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Graduation Cap in hands
Academic Instruction

Enhance programming; improve coordination with school districts; and promote practices aimed at accelerating remediation, credit recovery, and credit transfer.

Skill up stairs
Job Skills Training

Develop career and technical training programs that lead to industry-recognized certifications and certificates.

Two men training at a jobsite
Work Related Services

Develop work readiness and employability soft skills, and create employment opportunities for juvenile justice-involved youth.

PACTT Supports Provided to Affiliates

Paper chain of human shapes
Support Staff

Ten PACTT staff located across Pennsylvania provide on-site supports to help affiliates achieve and maintain PACTT standards for academic instruction, job skills training, and work-related services.

Icon images of graphs, research tools
Alignment with Best Practices

PACTT strives to maintain affiliation standards aligned with best practices for providing programs and strategies for system-involved youth.

text project funding with tablet and social media icons
PA Commission on Crime and Delinquency Grants

In partnership with the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency, PACTT offers its affiliated partners grant opportunities to further develop their academic, job skills, and work-related programs for juvenile justice involved youth.

Connection concept panorama 3d rendering
Coordination with Districts

To minimize disruptions in schooling, PACTT has worked to improve the transition of youth between facilities, school districts and post-secondary educational programs.

man at computer with image of a graph

For over a decade, PACTT worked with Philadelphia-based Research for Action aimed at understanding connections between academics and employment that lead to future success and is currently working with the Center for Juvenile Justice & Training Research toward this same goal.

Office of Vocational Rehabilitation for Disabled Youth

Through a partnership with the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation, PACTT has enhanced the accessibility of Pre-employment and Transition Services and individualized services for disabled youth served by its affiliates.