Enhance programming; improve coordination with school districts; and promote practices aimed at accelerating remediation, credit recovery, and credit transfer.

Develop career and technical training programs that lead to industry-recognized certifications and certificates.

Develop work readiness and employability soft skills, and create employment opportunities for juvenile justice-involved youth.
PACTT Supports Provided to Affiliates

Ten PACTT staff located across Pennsylvania provide on-site supports to help affiliates achieve and maintain PACTT standards for academic instruction, job skills training, and work-related services.

PACTT strives to maintain affiliation standards aligned with best practices for providing programs and strategies for system-involved youth.

In partnership with the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency, PACTT offers its affiliated partners grant opportunities to further develop their academic, job skills, and work-related programs for juvenile justice involved youth.

To minimize disruptions in schooling, PACTT has worked to improve the transition of youth between facilities, school districts and post-secondary educational programs.

For over a decade, PACTT worked with Philadelphia-based Research for Action aimed at understanding connections between academics and employment that lead to future success and is currently working with the Center for Juvenile Justice & Training Research toward this same goal.

Through a partnership with the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation, PACTT has enhanced the accessibility of Pre-employment and Transition Services and individualized services for disabled youth served by its affiliates.